Friday, September 24, 2010

raye lagik

baru td dpt tepon dr mbr skolah
nak mai umah mlm ni...
aku igt nak wat mkn2 sket esok mlm
tp die x free lak esok
so dtg mlm kang
aku hidang kuih jela yek geng
jgn mareee
kalo jadik esok blk koje tr0s nak p kedai jahit tu
nak diskas ape yg patot la...bape k0s..ape nak kene bwk sumer kan
pastu begegas blk nak siapkan masak2
esok mlm ade la sket mbr nak dtg umah beraye
so masak la utk mbr yg mai tu
cadang nak masak soto...
sbb senang kan
aku leh cel0r mee siam pastu rebus ketupat segera tu jek
kuah nye 1 jek

aku jek yg x beraye mane² umah mbr thn ni....

♥ sekian ♥



meh raya umah aku esok!!

bAby_bEe said...

sapo nak datang malam ni dok??

aQ kenal tak? wink wink.... *-*

blur " ~ " specky o_O said...

melS~ kalo dkt ari2 aku dtg muahahaaa...

beE~ mbr skolah ko knl ke shidah :>

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Hollister and I'm a medical contemplate guy just trolling in every direction here reading...I've got a hulking protrude on veneers coming up and must had to produce a site for it...looking for some contributors...anyone know anything about dental veneers? Consenting to contribute? I am compiling a check into @ They are tempered to to: conceal damaged, stained or misshaped surfaces of your teeth . I'm sure you recognize [b]cosmetic veneers[/b] are a means that longing generate teeth look altogether natural.

They are a good decision to refurbish the semblance of your front teeth.

more hard-wearing and color stable than bonding[/b]

The vast thing there dental veneers is they tolerate a conservative approach to long-lasting, crucial cosmetic changes. They can be used to lie on a number of dental conditions that affect the front teeth including:

[b]Spaces between the teeth, diastemas
Awry or distorted teeth
Broken or chipped teeth
Ceaselessly stained or discolored teeth
Unsightly or stained fillings
Brighten teeth
Teeth discolored from medication or age[/b]

If you are interested in contributing information on cosmetic veneers, delight visit:

Intan said...

wowww mee sedapppppppppp

Intan said...

wowww mee sedapppppppppp

bAby_bEe said...

shidah? kenal rasanya... jadi ke die datang?

umah die kat kg mlayu dlu kaler biru2 ek?


ari2 datang aku hidang air kus0ng suda ler..hahaha

blur " ~ " specky o_O said...

dok intan~ mmg la sedap sbb bkn aku yg masak..mak aku yg masak :))

bEe~ ceh igt lagik kaler umah k0h3

melS~ xpela tp aku mtk mineral water tau :)) tutup botol kaler biru :p


cehhh siap memilih tue..
tkpe...aku bagi mineral yg siap ditapis lagik...=)