Monday, September 6, 2010

aritu punye citer...

dah bape ari x updet blog...
xde mood la...
asek igt raye jek skg ni...
yg ade tu da stat cuti pon...
borink jek p keje ni...huhuhuuu
ni nak citer..aritu sabtu mlm ahad aku nak wat beskot la
tgh2 g0deh mixer tu...
alih2 patah plak tmpt nak pusing tepong tu..
dah menjajau aku cari mixer len..
sebbek umah abg aku bwh umah aku jek..
pjm la akak ipar aku punye....
tp yg aku xleh blah tu..
dah nak siap kuih aku
alih2 aku kene sengat dek lebah kat kaki
punye la sakit...
meraung aku jap...huwaaaa :((
besau lak tu..ishh isshh isshh...
mak aku yg rabun p0n leh nmpk sengat die :((
mcm la aku xrabun...hakhakhak
es0knye aku p0ser....
tp aku rase bdn aku bisa semacam....
dah gigil2 dah ni...
rupenye bisa lebah tu xkuar....
rase mcm nak pengsan dah time tu
dah kul 3 nak buka poser sgtla syg
tp aku mmg bt0l2 d0wn...
tgk temparature suhu bdn naek mendadak 39darjah celcius hikhik
tr0s mandi2 pastu tid0...
tgk2 jam kul 6.30ptg
tu p0n MyHasben tep0n...
nak tau condition aku :">
Alhamdulillah..pas buka mkn panad0l 2bj
rehat2 jap...dah 0ke la sket
tr0s aku nguli tep0ng nak wat siput lak....
aku p0n xtau nak kategori kan siput tu kuih ke..beskut ke...rempeyek ke...
yg penting sedap...
masok bakul agkt sirik...lalalalalaaa...
dah2.... pnt la nak tep lagik...
es0k ke lusa baru nak up gmbr kuih same baju raye...
♥ sekian ♥



weii siput tuh aku n incek khalif syuke!!!
wat arh lebih skit bg kiteorg...

p/s : bagi aku resepi wat siput tuh!!

blur " ~ " specky o_O said...

s0nang jek...
kalo 1 kilo tepong
5 sudu lada boh (ikot ko la nak pedas ke x)
udang kering blender 1 cwn
bwg putih hiris 1 cwn (goreng + blender kering tau)
air garam secukup rase

tepong + lada boh gaul smpi rata
masok udang kering + bwg putih gaul smpi rata
letak majerin 5 sudu gaul smpi leh genggam..
pastu masok air garam uli smpi lembut..
pastu gentel2 la...
g0reng pastu mkn...hikhik

Anonymous said...

You guys know about running around being scared to open your mouth? You probably do that's why don't want people seeing you in person. lol looking for sedatives and cash because you need veneers. anyway, i'm not selling anything or anything but i do want to encourage everyone to look up veneers. google it or find it somewher or ask your dentist. it is the freaking best thing the world.

all that sugary candy that those intelligent people at mars gave you tricked you and got you and your mama running around looking like the wicked witches and wizards of the west.

You go to the denstist and get a cleaning but what the hell is that going to do? You've got caved in teeth, appalachan mountain teeth, rocky mountain teeth, and general crackhead related teeth.

It's rough on you I know but it's true. I used to be the same way. I did happen to spend a couple g's on some veneers in atlanta ga (google it if you're not from the US). Now I do give big smiles on every occasion i meet a face, in abstract to the past where it's hide the smile! But anyway some of you might definitely need to undergo such a process.

From another perspective, it's a great way to continue the medical industry and make sure we have motivated dentists to come up with new innovative ways to fix our teeth. veneers is a big step over gold and silver teeth replacements which are gaudy and look crazy.

[url=""]atlanta porcelain veneers[/url]